Part 17 Episode 1 - "Why and how God calls every person, for Growing to the Heirship Faith of Jesus Christ" (A)
Part 17 Episode 10 - "How you Backslide From Sustaining Your Grown To Measure, of the Heirship Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 17 Episode 2 - "How any willing person Comes, to the redeeming and enthroning Heirship Faith's Power and Wisdom deliverances" (A)
Part 17 Episode 3 - "How any willing person Enters, the Heirship or Priesthood Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 17 Episode 4 - "How any person Recieves, one's baptized into Heirship Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 17 Episode 5 - "How any person Sustains, one's baptized into Heirship Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 17 Episode 6 - "The cause of any person's Not Being Double Anointed, for Increasing and Multiplying one's Heirship Faith rewards" (A)
Part 17 Episode 7 - "How you get Double Anointed, for Increasing and Multiplying your Heirship Faith rewards" (A)
Part 17 Episode 8 - "How you Grow to the Full Measure, of the Heirship Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 17 Episode 9 - "How you Confirm to have Grown to the Full Measure, of the Heirship Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 1 - "Why and how God calls every person, for Growing to the Rulership Faith of Jesus Christ" (A)
Part 18 Episode 10 - "How any willing person Comes, to the Rulership Faith's Power and Wisdom deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 2 - "How any willing person Comes, to the Rulership Faith's Power and Wisdom deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 3 - "How any willing person Enters, the Rulership Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 4 - "How any person Recieves, one's baptised into Rulership Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 5 - "How any person Sustains, one's baptized into Rulership Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 6 - "The core cause of Lacking, the all earthly resistances subduing Rulership Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 7 - "How you get Enthroned with the Power and Wisdom, for Multiplying your Rulership Faith deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 8 - "How you Grow to the Full Measure, of the Rulership Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 18 Episode 9 - "How you Confirm to have Grown to the Full Measure, of the Rulership Faith's power and wisdom Deliverances" (A)
Part 19 Episode 1 - "How God confirms His Always Calling every person, to one's Earthly Ruling power and wisdom" (A)
Part 19 Episode 2 - "What does God uses To Enable You, to become An Extension of God's Earthly Ruling power and wisdom" (A)
Part 19 Episode 3 - "What you use as Vessels, for Receiving and Demonstrating God's earthly ruling power and wisdom" (A)
Part 19 Episode 4 - "Effective Discipleship Characteristics, that Mature and Commission you for demonstrating the power and wisdom of God" (A)
Part 19 Episode 5 - "God's purpose of Calling and Enabling any person, to become The Earthly Ruling Extension of God's power and wisdom" (A)
Part 19 Episode 6 - "The core Cause for any person's Lacking, the prospering Personal Peace and Joy" (A)
Part 19 Episode 7 - "The core Cause of Most People's not coming, to their God called to Rulership Power and Wisdom" (A)
Part 19 Episode 8 - "Who and why did God Commission, to disciple Every Willing Person 'for receiving and extending God's power and wisdom on earth" (A)
Part 19 Episode 9 - "Why most purported to have been discipled Christian people, do Not Demonstrate their claimed Christian Faith power and wisdom" (A)
Part 2 episode 10 - “Turning your Rulership understanding into your deliverance from any enslavement” (A)
Part 2 Episode 2 - “Understanding the Rulership Kingdom and Priesthood inheritance in you” (A)
Part 2 Episode 3 - “Understanding and applying 'the Rulership and not Slavery' in you” (A)